Realistisches Gemälde einer Reihenhaussiedlung bei Nacht. Hell erleuchtete Fenster und Sterne am Himmel.
The heat transition

The Heat Planning Act: momentum for the local heat transition

The new Heat Planning Act introduces an instrument for strategic planning of the heat transition at local level. It also stipulates for the first time what proportions of renewable energy or unavoidable waste heat need to be achieved by heat networks in future.

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Data basis: KfW Climate Barometer 2023

direct view

German firms committed to climate action

Despite a tough business environment, not least due to the energy crisis, German firms continued to step up their efforts to combat climate change last year. This is reflected in the latest figures from the KfW’s 2023 Climate Barometer.

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Techniker auf einer Überlandleitung.
System stability

Roadmap for stable network operation with 100 percent renewable energy

If the electricity system is to be climate-neutral, not only do we need to expand renewable energy and the electricity grids: we also need grid operations to remain stable. The System Stability Roadmap shows how this can be achieved.

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Illustration: Haus unter einer Lupe

direct account

What actually is the System Development Strategy?

How can our energy system reliably and rapidly become climate-neutral? The System Development Strategy points the way forward. Follow us on a brief visit to the future of our energy supply.

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Direct Answers

direct questions

The energy transition is more than technology

If the energy transition is to be a success, apart from innovations it particularly needs people to make these innovations happen. Research projects are studying the factors that facilitate broad participation.

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Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck zum Start der Agentur für kommunalen Klimaschutz

Quote of the week.

“The foundation stone for the hydrogen future has been laid. The rollout of the hydrogen grid is picking up real speed in Germany.”

Federal Minister Robert Habeck on the Act on Hydrogen Grid Planning and Core Grid Financing

Bild zeigt Zeitungsstapel

What the press say

This month in ‘What the press say’: the growth in electricity generated from renewable energy, what the Germans think about the energy transition, and why there is some good news despite rising carbon emissions.

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direct reports

EU pressing ahead with methane emission cuts (in German only)

In mid-November, the European Parliament, the European Council and the European Commission reached a political agreement on the introduction of a mandatory EU-wide reduction in methane emissions. For the first time, it obliges operators of fossil energy infrastructure to undertake uniform metering, reporting and verification of their methane emissions, to identify and repair leaks, and to prohibit routine flaring and venting. Gradually, imports are also to be covered by the rules. Find out more

Innovative burner can cut industrial carbon emissions (in German only)

An innovative burner made using additive manufacturing technology by Küppers Solution GmbH, a Dortmund-based company of experts in heating technology and industrial burners, was recognised as “one of the best” at the German Future Prize ceremony (held by the Federal President to reward technology and innovation). The burner, which can also be operated using renewable gases, could generate large reductions in carbon emissions in many branches of industry. It is the result of years of research and development work in the AdReku research project, which was funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Find out more

Germany is presents a strategy for its climate foreign policy – the first country to do so. (in German only)

The German Government adopted Germany’s first Strategy on Climate Foreign Policy at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 28) in Dubai. It brings together the climate policy goals and measures of the various ministries, defines priorities and aims to foster coherent government action in climate foreign policy. Find out more

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