Bauteile einer Heizung auf einem technischen Plan.
Heat transition

Improved funding for municipal heat plans

Heating and cooling account for around half of Germany's final energy consumption. This means that we will only be able to achieve our ambitious climate targets if we manage to realise the heat transition. Municipalities can now receive subsidies of up to 100 per cent towards developing their heat plans.

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Offshire agreement to ensure expansion targets are reached

direct account

New offshore agreement for more wind energy at sea

By 2030, some 30 gigawatts of offshore wind energy are to be installed off the German coast. To make sure the offshore grid connections are ready in time, the Federal Government, the Länder and the transmission system operators have now agreed on important steps.

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3D Modell eiens Wohnhauses mit Wärmepumpe unter der Erde
Renewable energy

Let’s see those heat pumps

Half a million heat pumps are to be installed each year in Germany from 2024, enabling the energy transition to make quicker progress – not least in the buildings sector. There is a lot of work to be done. A key issues paper serves to pave the way forward.

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Offene Hände halten eine Erdkugel aus Knete.
Climate control

Innovative ideas for climate action for Europe

The European Climate Initiative (EUKI) has provided funding for 157 projects in 31 countries since 2017. The projects are selected by means of an annual competition for ideas. The next round begins at the end of November.

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Dr. Robert Habeck, Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz

Quote of the week

„The focus is now on driving our common shift away from coal, oil and gas through a sustainable, socially just, global energy transition and the decarbonisation of industry.”

Federal Minister Robert Habeck on the outcomes of the World Climate Conference COP27

Bild zeigt Zeitungsstapel

What the press say

This month in „What the press say”: Agreed outcomes: the COP27 Final Declaration at a glance. Survey: Germans’ opinion on the energy transition. Fact check: can heat pumps be installed in old buildings?

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direct reports

Regulatory Sandbox for the Energy Transition launched in Jena (in German only)

The new Regulatory Sandbox for the Energy Transition JenErgieReal is to develop innovative ideas for transforming urban energy systems and providing cities with a sustainable supply of electricity and heat and to demonstrate them in practice. Find out more

German-Dutch call for projects in the hydrogen economy (in German only)

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research have launched a call for projects on ‘Electrochemical materials and processes for green hydrogen and green chemistry’. Project proposals should revolve around highly innovative, practically relevant processes for green hydrogen and green chemistry. Find out more

2022 World Energy Outlook

The 2022 Word Energy Outlook will be presented in a livestream to take place on 24 November from 2:30 p.m. It looks at the effects of the global energy crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine and provides development scenarios for the global energy system up to 2050. Find out more

2022 Energy Efficiency Award (in German only)

The German Energy Agency (dena) presented its 16th Energy Efficiency Award on 14 November 2022. The award recognises energy efficiency projects offering measurable results and new, innovative concepts. Five projects were selected from 130 submissions. Find out more

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