Illustration: Erneuerbare Energien, Stromnetz und Verbraucher unter einer Lupe

direct account

What exactly is ‘balancing energy’?

The Bundesnetzagentur has adopted new rules that will make it easier for generators of renewable energy to provide balancing energy. But what exactly is balancing energy and what do the new rules mean? Read the following article to find out more.

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Fraunhofer engineer holding tandem solar cell.

Two are better than one – generating more electricity thanks to tandem solar cells

The type of solar cell we are currently using can barely be optimised any further. This means that if we want to generate solar electricity in a more affordable way, we need to come up with new ideas. A very promising one is the tandem solar cell – the development of which is being funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

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Maroš Šefčovič, European Commissioner in charge of the Energy Union

Quote of the week

“I would like to call on all local leaders around the world to be part of this unprecedented global movement.”

Maroš Šefčovič, European Commissioner in charge of the Energy Union, as he presented the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy

direct reports

The Bundesrat approves two new laws on the energy transition

The Bundesrat has adopted two new important laws on the energy transition. The first one is the Act on the Promotion of Landlord-to-Tenant Electricity Supply which provides incentives for landlords to sell electricity from their solar installations to tenants, and allows tenants buying this electricity to help make the energy transition a success. The other is the Act on the Modernisation of the Grid Fee Structure (NEMOG) which introduces a fairer system for the distribution of grid fees (further information in German only). Find out more

Initial results of a study aiming to make the EU energy label more relevant

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has presented the initial results of a consumer survey on the use of washing machines. The results have been passed on to the European Commission, providing input that will allow the Commission to make the EU energy label more relevant. The aim is to provide consumers with energy-saving wash cycles that they actually use and that can therefore serve as the basis for defining electricity consumption figures. Find out more

Online platform sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy ranks among top 100 in innovation competition

Open Power System Data – an online platform sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy – is one of the 100 winners of the ‘Landmarks in the Land of Ideas’ competition. The platform aims to amalgamate in one location the data needed for modelling the German and European electricity supply (further information in German only). Find out more

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