Mehr Durchblick beim Autokauf
Energy efficiency

Better information to help with buying a new car

In future, a new car label will provide even more comprehensive information about the vehicle’s fuel consumption and carbon emissions. The labelling requirement follows an amendment of the Ordinance on Energy Consumption Labelling for Passenger Cars (Pkw-EnVKV) which came into force at the end of February.

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Gas consumption in Germany continues to fall

direct view

Gas consumption in Germany continues to fall

In 2023, Germans consumed five per cent less gas than in 2022. This can be seen in current data from the Federal Network Agency provided on SMARD, its comprehensive website on the German electricity market.

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Zwei Hände halten Glühbirnen in den Sonnenuntergang

Survey on data exchange in the energy industry

Through its recent survey, the German Energy Agency (dena) has been gathering data for establishing a government data institute in the energy sector. The digital energy system of the future will also be based on clear rules.

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Direct Answers

direct questions

Super solar cells: top performance through stacking

What exactly is concentrator photovoltaics? In an explainer video, solar researcher in Heilbronn Dr Victor Khorenko looks at why solar cells can now deliver top performance through stacking and at where they can be used most effectively.

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Jörg Schmidt, CEO of Klimaschutz-Unternehmen e. V.

Quote of the week.

„In order to drive forward the green transformation of our economy, we need companies that are out there leading the way towards climate neutrality.”

Jörg Schmidt, CEO of Klimaschutz-Unternehmen e. V.

Bild zeigt Zeitungsstapel

What the press say

This month in ‘What the press say’: Why German municipalities should cooperate on heat planning, how methane leaks can be closed in a cost-effective way and how wind energy is replacing coal as the number one source of energy.

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direct reports

2030 climate targets within reach (in German only)

According to projections on domestic greenhouse gas emissions published by the Federal Environment Agency, Germany will successfully achieve its 2030 climate targets as long as it continues to focus on implementing the necessary measures. Find out more

Symposium on municipal heat planning in Berlin (in German only)

From 17 to 18 April, the Energy System Analysis Research Network will be hosting a symposium on municipal heat planning at Umweltforum Berlin, featuring interactive workshops, presentations and discussions. The event will focus on how the heat transition can be accelerated through the use of software tools for system analysis. Find out more

Raising energy efficiency in the aluminium industry (in German only)

In the newly launched SuprAL regulatory sandbox for the energy transition, researchers are seeking to replace the conventional busbars in an aluminium production facility with high-temperature superconductors. Thanks to the direct current transmission in which there is virtually no energy loss, the industrial furnaces can be supplied with energy more efficiently and in a more climate-friendly way. Find out more

Eight more businesses honoured as Companies for Climate Action (in German only)

At the beginning of March, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action honoured eight further businesses as Companies for Climate Action, selecting them from among 200 applicants. The companies each serve as pioneers in their respective fields thanks to their comprehensive climate strategies and energy efficiency measures, through which they are helping Germany achieve its climate targets. Companies for Climate Action is an excellence initiative that now has a total of 69 members. Find out more

2024 Energy Days: “Solutions for the energy transition in Germany”

The 2024 Energy Days entitled “Solutions for the energy transition in Germany” will take place from 16 to 18 April (online) and from 15 to 16 May (on-site in Berlin). It will feature around 100 events looking at the current energy and climate policy environment, technical innovations and social aspects. Registration for the Energy Days is free of charge. Find out more

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