Symbolbild Women energize women

Female empowerment in the energy sector

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action has launched a digital communications project called ‘Women Energize Women’, which is to attract women across the world to professions linked to the energy transition, and bring them together.

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Graphic proividing information about estimated trend of emissions according to 2021 Projection Report

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Greenhouse gas emissions must be lowered faster

The Federal Climate Change Act sets out annual reduction rates for each sector’s emissions to ensure than Germany can become greenhouse gas neutral by 2045. The 2021 Climate Change Projection Report shows that there is great need for further action.

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Oliver Krischer is #NeuHier

Oliver Krischer has been Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action since the beginning of December 2021. What’s he like? Watch the interview (in German only) to find out.

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Illustration:a closer look on lightweighting

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What exactly is H2Global?

Green hydrogen has a key role to play in the energy transition. Read on to find out what can be done to add momentum to global innovations and investments in this forward-looking technology:

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Patrick Graichen, Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz

Quote of the week

“If we are to comply with the annual caps of emissions set out in the Federal Climate Change Act, we need to take additional sectors that will affect all sectors. The Immediate Climate Action Programme paves the way for all the necessary legislation and measures.”

Patrick Graichen, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Bild zeigt Zeitungsstapel

What the press say

This time in ‘what the press say’: why lithium recycling could turn out to be the biggest challenge for electric mobility, the top issues for global climate action, and why landlord-to-tenant electricity supply is recognised as super successful, but is also a source of conflict.

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direct reports

Additional areas for offshore wind energy

Additional sites for offshore wind farms are to give the energy transition a strong boost. Three gigawatts of capacity could be added in newly designated areas in the North Sea. This was proposed by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency in the ‘procedure to continue the site development plan for the further expansion of offshore wind energy’, which launched in late 2021. In the longer term, this additional offshore wind energy could supply almost three million households with electricity. Find out more

Current scenario framework for grid expansion

The latest draft of the scenario framework (2023-2027) drawn up by the transmission system operators prioritises the ambitious climate targets and is based on the assumption, in all three scenarios, that future electricity consumption will see a significant rise. This development will be driven by an increasing use of electric mobility, heat pumps, power2heat installations, electrolysis procedures (e.g. for hydrogen production) and by the decarbonisation of the industrial sector. Until 14 February 2022, the public is invited to comment on the scenario framework. If this framework is later approved by the Bundesnetzagentur (probably in the summer of 2022), it will serve as a binding starting point for the calculations for the next Network Development Plan. Find out more

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