Expansion of charging infrastructure gaining traction. Around 3,400 publicly accessible charging points were built in 2018. The total number in 2018 is 16,100.

direct view

Electric mobility: infrastructure expansion greatly accelerated

Infrastructure for electric vehicles is growing at a rapid rate. At the end of 2018, the number of public charging points registered with the German Association of Energy and Water Industries was up 27% on the year before.

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Wind turbines at sea

Identifying the need for maintenance using remote-controlled submarines

Hurricanes, waves and salt water: wind turbines at sea have to withstand a great deal. Sending down divers to look for damage is expensive. This is why the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy is funding a research project for automatically evaluating information about the condition of installations.

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Thomas Bareiß, Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär beim Bundeswirtschaftsminister

Quote of the week

"We need to reconcile climate protection with achieving economic success and social balance – on a sustainable basis. Only if the EU remains a competitive industrial location will our climate protection policy be emulated by other countries around the world."

Mr Thomas Bareiß, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

direct reports

Conference in April: register now to attend the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue

From 9 to 10 April, high-ranking energy experts from all over the world will come together once again to discuss the energy transition at this year’s Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue, to be held at the Federal Foreign Office. Last year, more than 2,000 experts from over 90 countries attended, including 40 Ministers and State Secretaries. Registration to attend the event must be made by 31 March 2019. Find out more

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