Woman checking data on the SMARD website.
Electricity market

Electricity market data now available for download – isn’t that SMARD?

Did you know that the SMARD online platform has allowed users to trace electricity market data in real-time since July 2017? At the end of 2017, new features were added, making the platform even more interesting for users to visit.

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Illustration: Erneuerbare Energien, Stromnetz und Verbraucher unter einer Lupe

direct account

What exactly are flexibility options?

One of the main goals of the energy transition is to increase the amount of electricity that is being generated from renewable energy. However, this will only be possible if our energy supply becomes more flexible. Read on to learn more about this and about how it all relates to cooking a stew.

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Impression from a past EE HACK.

2018 Energy Efficiency Hack: Hacking solutions for the energy transition

The word hacker has become associated with someone who breaks into a computer system. Originally however, the word was used to describe tech-savvy persons who use their technical knowledge to find creative solutions. This is what the Energy Efficiency Hack, which will take place in Berlin this February, is all about.

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State Secretary Rainer Baake

Quote of the week

“If we want to meet our long-term climate change mitigation goals, we need to use renewable energy across all sectors, not least in the transport and buildings sector.”

Rainer Baake, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, at the 8th Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Abu Dhabi.

direct reports

A key milestone: the 28 EU energy ministers set the course for a European energy transition

In December of last year, the EU’s energy ministers presented their joint position on the legislative package entitled ‘Clean Energy for All Europeans’. The package had been adopted by the European Commission and set out a number of proposals, including better integration of the national energy and climate plans, the roll-out of renewable energy across the EU and the modernisation of the electricity market. The next step now is for the Council, the Parliament, and the Commission to engage in ‘trilogue’ negotiations on the package. Find out more

European Commission approves exemption of existing facilities from the renewable energy surcharge

The European Commission has cleared Germany’s decision to fully exempt existing installations used for the operator’s own electricity supply from the renewable energy surcharge and declared this to be in line with EU state-aid rules. In addition to existing installations, new installations generating electricity from renewable sources – for example PV installations on buildings – are also covered by the Commission’s decision. Find out more

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