Construction of the hydrogen core network begins
A map shows the future infrastructure of the core network that is to enable Germany’s hydrogen ramp-up up to 2032. The network will be 9,040 kilometres long and connect centres of production, storage facilities, import points and industrial hydrogen consumers and power plants using hydrogen. Some 60% of the pipelines will be converted natural gas pipelines, the rest will be newly constructed.
By 2032, a feed-in capacity of 101 gigawatts and a take-off capacity of 87 GW are to be reached. This allows for reliable planning for producers of hydrogen, power plant operators and industrial consumers, as it ensures that the hydrogen will be available exactly where it is needed.
The first hydrogen pipelines of the core network are to become operational in 2025
Said Federal Minister Robert Habeck: “The hydrogen core network sends an important message that Germany is a business location getting ready for the future. The network is the prerequisite for a successful hydrogen ramp-up, which will ensure the decarbonisation and future competitiveness of Germany’s industrial sector.”
In 2025, the first pipelines of the core network are to become operational, most of them converted natural gas pipelines. The Bundesnetzagentur ensures that only natural gas pipelines that are no longer needed become part of the hydrogen network. A large portion of future demand for hydrogen will be covered by imports. For these, 13 border crossing points are being planned with our European neighbours.
Transport infrastructure is to develop along with the market
The pipelines in the core networks are to be built and operated by private companies. In the long term, their financing is to be ensured through network use fees. Given that the number of customers will be very limited at the start, the network use fees will be capped. An amortisation account will ensure that the losses accrued at the start will be set off by additional revenues at a later point. If the account fails to be balanced by 2055, a state guarantee will kick in.
The network development planning process for gas and hydrogen, which takes place every two years, will ensure continuous development of the core network. It will factor in new needs and capacities to ensure that the infrastructure grows along with the market. The first integrated Network Development Plan is to be approved by the Bundesnetzagentur in mid-2026.
The approved hydrogen core network including all measures can be found here. You can watch a video of the press conference here.
Further information
- FAQs from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action on the hydrogen core network
- Approved core network including all measures on the website of the Bundesnetzagentur
- Information on the core network provided on the website of FNB Gas industry association
- Dossier from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action: “Hydrogen: a key element of the energy transition”